Report Search
Empowering Women in the Digital Economy
Addressing Tech's Untapped Potential
Indigenous Leadership in Technology
Understanding Access and Opportunities in British Columbia
Bringing a Smart City to Life
Understanding Talent Development, Attraction, and Retention
Moving Toward an Inclusive Smart Economy for Canada
The Human Talent Engine that Powers Smarter Cities
A Resilient Recovery
Alberta’s Digital-Led Post-COVID Future
Gender Equity in Canada’s Tech Ecosystem
Attracting, Retaining, and Supporting Entry- and Mid- Level Talent
Thinking Green
Building a Sustainable Digital Economy for Canada
Lessons from Abroad
Smart Cities Developments from the European Region
Smart Health and Wellbeing
A Canadian Policy Roundtable
Settling for More
Matching Newcomers to Alberta’s Tech Sector
Smart Cities, Smart Government
ICTC Policy Roundtable on Smart Government in Canada
Smart Mobility in the Future City
ICTC Smart Cities Roundtable on Smart Mobility in Canada
Inclusivity and Accessibility at the Core
Pathways to Employment in the Digital Economy for Albertans with Disabilities
Procurement Office or “Living Lab”?
Experimenting with procurement and partnerships for smart cities technologies in Canada
Smart Developments at Home and Abroad
Smart Cities Monitoring Report 2019–2020
The Digital-Led New Normal
Revised Labour Market Outlook for 2022
Economic Resiliency in the Face of Adversity
From Surviving to Prospering