
Increased gender diversity in the technology sector yields substantial benefits for businesses. Research shows that narrowing the gender gap across the Canadian economy would add between $150 billion and $420 billion to our GDP by 2026. Promoting and advancing the participation of women in tech is pivotal for achieving greater economic well-being, sustaining a high quality of life for Canadians, and boosting our innovation capacity and output as a country. Companies that prioritize gender diversity often experience an increase in profits and are more likely to surpass the growth of organizations with a less diverse workforce. 

Despite these economic and strategic advantages, women continue to be underrepresented in Canada's digital economy. While women make up nearly half (48%) of the Canadian workforce, in 2023, they accounted for 34.8% of individuals employed in Canada’s digital economy. In response to this challenge, ICTC launched its Ambassador Program in 2021, funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). 

This report leverages primary research through participant surveys and key informant interviews to showcase the program’s core outputs, including its impacts, both short and long-term. It also evaluates the implementation of the program and assesses its value for participants. 


To cite this report:

Maryna Ivus. Assessing Impact: ICTC’s Ambassador Program. Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC). April 2024. Ottawa, Canada.