Ottawa, Thursday, February 21, 2019 – The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is pleased to announce that the Communications Security Establishment is now a Platinum sponsor for ICTC’s CyberTitan II competition.   

CyberTitan is Canada’s Cyber Security Education Initiative for middle school and secondary school students. CyberTitan operates in affiliation with the U.S. Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot Program – a comprehensive online cyber skills competition that scores students around the world in real time.

This unique and engaging environment provides students with immediate feedback on their level of cybersecurity comprehension and skill building. And, CyberTitan can be integrated into any course throughout the school year or delivered as an after-school or lunch program.

As part of the 2018-19 CyberTitan competition, 189 teams across Canada are currently competing with over 5000 teams globally. The top 10 Canadian teams will compete for the title of CyberTitan II National Champion in Ottawa, Ontario in May 2019. For more information, visit


“Our government understands the importance of providing young Canadians with the information and tools they need to ensure that they are safe online. The CyberTitan program will provide youth with cybersecurity skills in a way that is fun and engaging while educating our next generation of cybersecurity experts.”

‑ The Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Harjit Sajjan 

“We are delighted about this new partnership and to have CSE as a CyberTitan Platinum Sponsor. This will allow us to continue to expand the knowledge and importance of cybersecurity skills for youth, and pave the way for Canada to be a world leader in cybersecurity.”

- Namir Anani, President & CEO, ICTC 

“CSE is proud to be partnering with ICTC to help prepare the next generation of students with the cybersecurity skills necessary to protect our government, industry and all Canadians, while also providing pathways to promising careers. These young Canadians will be our future innovators.”

- Shelly Bruce, Chief, CSE 

Associated Links

ICTC Media Contact:

Stephanie Wilson, Senior Director, Digital Transformation & Strategic Outreach

Office phone: 613-237-8551 extension 147

Email: @email 

CSE Media Contact:

Telephone: 613-991-7248

Email: @email