Ottawa, May 20th, 2020—A new program launched by The Information and Communications Technology (ICTC) will map internationally educated professionals (“newcomers”) located in Alberta to in-demand digital jobs.

The Next Talent Pipeline: Onboarding Alberta’s Newcomers for the Digital Economy will be conducted in partnership between ICTC, the Alberta Ministry of Labour & Immigration, CCIS Alberta, Lighthouse Labs, and VanHack.

The project has four main objectives:

  • Understanding and assessing the skills of Internationally Educated Professionals in the context of in-demand digital roles identified by the ICTC report A Digital Future for Alberta;
  • Identifying the upskilling requirements for Alberta newcomers to fill in-demand digital roles;
  • Suggesting resources for obtaining the relevant upskilling and training;
  • Providing opportunities for Alberta employers to connect with qualified newcomers.

This work supports the province’s digital economy. Over 35% of the interviewed employers for the ICTC 2019 study A Digital Future for Alberta identified access to skilled digital talent as the biggest obstacle to business growth. The report forecasts the total demand for core digital occupations across the Alberta economy to reach nearly 9,000 by 2023.

By simplifying and streamlining what can be a lengthy process for employers, The Next Talent Pipeline: Onboarding Alberta’s Newcomers for the Digital Economy aims to strengthen Alberta’s tech talent pool and accelerate the growth of the province’s digital economy.

“The recipe for success in these challenging times should remain focused on accessing skilled talent that is ready to stimulate innovation and business growth. This initiative will provide a pivotal roadmap to better leverage the full potential of Internationally Educated Professionals and create a critical digital advantage for Alberta’s economy in the coming years” Namir Anani, ICTC President & CEO

ICTC is a not-for-profit, national center of expertise for strengthening Canada’s digital advantage in a global economy. Through trusted research, practical policy advice, and creative capacity-building programs, ICTC fosters globally competitive Canadian industries enabled by innovative and diverse digital talent. In partnership with a vast network of industry leaders, academic partners, and policy makers from across Canada, ICTC has empowered a robust and inclusive digital economy for over 25 years.

To participate in this study or for further information about The Next Talent Pipeline: Onboarding Alberta’s Newcomers for the Digital Economy project, please contact Paul Stastny at @email or 403.351.0138 Ext. 823,

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services. Funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-Alberta Job Fund.