Ottawa, May 29, 2024—ICTC’s latest report, Impact Analysis: Advancing Women in the Digital Economy by Implementing Actionable Solutions with Canadian Organizations, features three case studies showcasing the implementation of action items from ICTC’s Gender Equity Toolkit and their impact on the advancement of women in tech.   

  • Case Study 1: Addressing Unconscious Bias in Task Distribution and Promotional Processes details efforts made by a Canadian non-profit operating in the digital economy to reduce unconscious biases. It showcases the organization’s journey from having no guidelines related to promotion processes to adopting a new HR management system, formalized 360-degree performance reviews, standardized promotion criteria, and opportunities for mentorship, training, and professional development
  • Case Study 2: Addressing Gender Stereotypes through Awareness Campaigns shows how an incubator accelerator in Manitoba led a social media campaign, panel discussion, and networking session to spotlight successful women tech entrepreneurs and ultimately address gender stereotypes regarding women in tech leadership. The campaign had far-reaching impacts, inspiring the next generation of technology leaders.
  • Case Study 3: Raising Awareness for Unconscious Gender Bias discusses how unconscious biases disproportionately impact women in a technology company and provides actionable solutions, such as gender bias training, to curtail those biases. The case study also describes how conflicting organizational priorities can adversely affect the success and implementation of EDI initiatives. 

Career advancement for women in Canada’s digital economy is a moral and economic imperative. While many employers recognize this imperative, few take practical steps to address the systemic challenges women face. As a result, women remain underrepresented across the digital economy, especially in senior leadership roles.  

These case studies build on previous ICTC research, specifically the 2023 report, Empowering Women in the Digital Economy: Addressing Tech’s Untapped Potential, which examines the state of gender diversity in the digital economy along with strategies and policy recommendations to help increase gender diversity in leadership roles and Gender Equity Toolkit for Individual Leaders, Organizations, and Ecosystem Players, which provides detailed and practical action items, strategies, considerations, resources, and stakeholder responsibilities to help advance women in Canada’s digital economy.  

“The advancement of women in the digital economy is a critical driver for innovation and economic growth. These case studies demonstrate actionable solutions that can be implemented to foster a more inclusive tech sector and ensure women are represented at all levels, particularly in leadership roles.” — Namir Anani, ICTC President & CEO

Read the Report


Advancing Women in the Digital Economy

About ICTC

The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is a neutral, not-for-profit national center of expertise with the mission of strengthening Canada's digital advantage in the global economy. For over 30 years, and with a team of 110 experts, we have delivered forward-looking research, practical policy advice, and capacity-building solutions for individuals and businesses. The organization’s goal is to ensure that technology is utilized to drive economic growth and innovation and that Canada's workforce remains competitive on a global scale. 

To arrange an interview on this study or other media inquiries, please contact Paul Stastny at @email or 403.351.0138 Ext. 823.

This project is funded in part by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).