Do you think you have what it takes to prevent a cyber-attack?

Registration for next year’s CyberTitan competition is now open!

CyberTitan is one of Canada’s largest cyber defense competitions. Cybersecurity and related STEM fields continue to be one of the largest growing industries in Canada; In 2017, Canadian businesses spent over $14 Billion on cybersecurity. CyberTitan looks to Educate students with cybersecurity skills, Inspire them to pursue a career in a STEM field and enable them to Excel down that path. Through its affiliation with the CyberPatriot program, CyberTitan teams compete globally through virtual cyber defense scenarios, vying for a coveted spot in the Canadian National finals 2020.

“Our son having the opportunity to participate in CyberTitan has been eye-opening for him and a great experience. Being able to use technology, problem solving, and teamwork skills has generated a great interest for him to consider cyber security as a potential career path later on. This enrichment is valuable to him, and the practice and competitions for the program are what he most looks forward to in any school day.” - Karen & Paul Doucet

The (US) Air Force Association’s (AFA) has delivered the CyberPatriot program for over a decade to engage students in cybersecurity, IT and STEM disciplines. The competition places teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a six-hour period. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region. The top 10 ranked Canadian teams will receive a trip to Ottawa to go head to head for the coveted title of CyberTitan National Champions.

“CyberTitan offers students and teachers an exciting and engaging way to get into cybersecurity and digital hygiene. If ICT is a critical infrastructure, then surely, we should all be fluent in this new literacy. From a pathway’s perspective, CyberTitan opens doors into the desperately under-served field of cybersecurity and ICT in general. We have a great deal of fun competing in CyberTitan, but that fun serves some pretty big purposes.” -Timothy King, Center Wellington DHS CyberTitan Coach

Click here to learn more and to register your team!