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Accelerating Canada's Workforce
Micro-Credentialing in the Digital Economy
The Impact of Work-Integrated Learning on Student Success and the Canadian Economy
An Evaluation of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program
Mapping Career Pathways for Ontario’s Francophone and Bilingual Workforce
Insights for Post-Secondaries, Employers, and Students
Ontario's Next Gen Industry
Addressing Labour Demand and Growth in the Creative Technology Sector
Buying Into Learning Outcomes
Educational Technology Procurement Policy and Practice in Canada
Uncharted Waters
A World-class Canadian E-learning Paradigm
21st Century Digital Skills
Competencies, Innovations and Curriculum in Canada
Collectively Building the Framework to Shape our Future Cities
A Year of Engagement with the ICTC Smart Cities Taskforces
Class, Take Out Your Tablets
The Impact of Technology on Learning and Teaching in Canada