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Today, the Information and Communications Technology Council is pleased to announce a strategic initiative to help Canadians gain greater insights and build sustainable pathways for employment and skills development in a rapidly changing digital-based economy.

Canada’s economy continues to undergo structural transformation brought upon by innovative technologies, shifting trade dynamics, and emerging environmental trends, among other factors. Together, these and other factors are altering the needs of our labour market and dramatically changing the nature of work. Canadians from all walks of life will increasingly require insights and tools to understand how to effectively navigate these changes. Knowledge of high growth sectors across the economy, as well as in-demand jobs within those sectors, is critical. However, it is only one piece of the puzzle. In an environment where the demand for skills is constantly shifting and reshaping, Canadians will also need to understand how their skills compare to those required for in-demand occupations; which short-duration training opportunities are available to offer upskilling or retraining; and what set of credentials or experience they will need to be recognized as job ready for tomorrow’s economy.

By the fall of 2019, ICTC will be launching an innovative approach to offer solutions for Canadian workers and job seekers in a changing economy. Trademarked as “iAdvance”, ICTC will provide Canadians with:

  • Dynamic labour market intensity map: This map will showcase in-demand jobs across the country, along with their associated skill needs. The map will also highlight occupations that are forecasted to see significant skill shifts in the future. Highlighting these insights across Canada, this dynamic labour market intensity map will provide Canadians with essential knowledge about opportunities, skill needs, and other relevant considerations for future employment.
  • Skills cross-mapping: Existing skills of displaced or changing occupations will be compared to those of in-demand or emerging jobs across the economy. This will allow Canadians the ability to obtain granular and detailed information regarding their ability to compete for in-demand roles; while also offering essential knowledge about the critical skills they will need to obtain to transition to those occupations.
  • Options for short-duration training: Pointing to short-duration training available across Canada, Canadians will have access to practical knowledge about training pathways offered by academic or professional development institutions. This will assist job seekers to find the right courses and upskilling programs that will help them on their employment transition journey.
  • Micro-credentialing and recognition program: By completing a personalized profile of their skills, knowledge, and experience, ICTC will assess the employment readiness of job seekers. Using detailed parameters of skill needs and skill matches, ICTC will recognize the overall job readiness of individual job seekers for tomorrow’s economy.

“We are delighted to launch the “iAdvance” suite of data analytics, capacity building tools, and web platform to assist Canadians pivot to in-demand digital jobs in an increasingly changing economy and labour market shifts. Preparing Canadians for the evolving nature of work is critical for heightening Canada’s digital advantage in a global economy.”

— Namir Anani, ICTC President & CEO


ICTC, in collaboration with Calgary Economic Development recently released a model example of this larger vision. Offering skills mapping to in-demand jobs in the city and upskilling opportunities for job seekers, the Calgary Upskill platform assists displaced oil & gas workers in the city to transition to in-demand jobs in tech.

For questions or media inquiries, please contact Kevin Wennekes, Chief Strategic Outreach Officer at k.wennekes[at]

About ICTC:

Through forward-looking research, innovative capacity building programs, and practical policy advice, ICTC fosters innovative and globally competitive Canadian industries empowered by a talented and diverse digital workforce.