ICTC and Qwasar Silicon Valley Launch New Programs to Strengthen Skills Development and Access to Digital Jobs


Paul Stastny

Toronto, September 23, 2020–Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) and Qwasar Silicon Valley are launching a software engineering program and a data science training program accessible entirely online across Canada.

ICTC is piloting this new online training platform in partnership with Qwasar Silicon Valley within the context of the Youth Dividend program, funded by the Government of Canada’s DS4Y program, in order to heighten digital skills development for Canada’s youth. Student access to this online learning platform will prepare them for exciting digital jobs in promising Canadian tech start-ups or globally leading IT firms.

Qwasar is a growing French Tech company that brings the vitality of the French ecosystem to North America. Qwasar cofounders Kwame Yamgnane and Gaëtan Juvin have drawn on their experience as founders of École 42, a well-regarded tech training program in France, to create a unique online training platform. Based on the research of learning theorists such as Jean Piaget, in addition to their own teaching and school-building experience, the program focuses on the skills required by the digital industry.

“Our active learning methodology is the best way to develop 21st century skills. With Qwasar, you will learn to code at the highest level that is demanded in Silicon Valley. Human capital is the best resource. We are here to help you accomplish your goals,” said Kwame Yamgnane.

“Kwame is a founding member of the EPITECH school from which I am graduated. And seeing how he pushed the education concept in Qwasar, with the support of the latest IT infrastructure technologies and learning by autonomy, is just fantastic,” said Romain Le Merlus, cofounder and CEO of Centreon North America, and president of French Tech Toronto.

“Our government is stepping up efforts to ensure young Canadians have the skills they need to succeed in the digital economy. Digital skills are more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Innovation, Science and Industry Minister the Honorable Navdeep Bains. “Through the Digital Skills for Youth program, our government is working with innovative companies to create unique internship programs that will allow participants to gain hands-on experience and valuable job skills for their future. These internships will help young people find quality jobs.”

In addition to the technical training offered in partnership with Qwasar, ICTC will leverage its labour market intelligence and digital industry network to guide students through a learning process that includes meaningful work experience, training in essential skills, and career management, including ICTC personalized support.

“We are delighted to work with Qwasar to accelerate the training of young Canadians through the Youth Dividend program. This innovative approach, founded on proven pedagogical and andragogical methods, combines Qwasar’s fully online educational content with the in-depth knowledge of the labour market and career-development courses of ICTC. The collaboration will pave the way for rewarding careers for young Canadians in tomorrow’s economy,” said Namir Anani, President and CEO of CTIC.

The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is a not-for-profit, national centre of expertise for strengthening Canada’s digital advantage in a global economy. Through trusted research, practical policy advice, and creative capacity-building programs, ICTC fosters globally competitive Canadian industries enabled by innovative and diverse digital talent. In partnership with an expansive network of industry leaders, academic partners, and policy makers from across Canada, ICTC has empowered a robust and inclusive digital economy for over 25 years.

Qwasar Silicon Valley is a global leader in technical skills development for in-demand fields like software developers and data analysts, among others. Qwasar is a growing French Tech company, founded by Kwame Yamgnane and Gaëtan Juvin. Kwame was co-founder of École 42 in France, which has gained international renown. He is a veteran of establishing tech training schools and founded Qwasar’s North American branch in California’s Silicon Valley. Gaëtan Juvin is the co-founder of Recast.ai, which was acquired by SAP in 2018, and was one of the first employees of École 42.


Press contacts:

ICTC: Paul Stastny, @email  403.351.0138 Ext. 823

Qwasar: Jennifer Robertson, @email

A French-language version of the press released is here.